The WP Community Collective hosts Fellowships to support and enable individual contribution to open source projects, including the open source WordPress project.
About the Program
The WPCC Fellowship program provides selected contributors with the ability to focus on critical development tasks and community-building while maintaining independence from any single company’s vision. This neutrality encourages diverse collaboration—benefiting WordPress users, businesses, and communities worldwide—and actively supports contributors who may not otherwise have the resources to participate fully, fostering a more inclusive and equitable ecosystem.
Each Fellowship has a set term and rate, providing the stability, resources, and time Fellows need to make a meaningful impact on the selected open source project. While we currently fund part-time roles, we’re expanding to include full-time positions as well. By giving fellows the freedom to work without the influence of a single company, we honor The WPCC’s commitment to truly collaborative and inclusive open source contributions—ultimately strengthening the entire open source ecosystem, including the WP
Fellowship Benefits
Global Pay Parity
The WPCC aims to pay its Fellows the locally equivalent rate to their rate in Los Angeles, CA. We use a standardized formula, currently Equivalent Salary Calculator By City, to determine how to convert that rate to the local equivalent for the term of their Fellowship.
Fellowship Contributions
The WPCC believes that contribution can take many forms depending on unique factors, such the Fellow, the Make team, and the needs of the project and community.
One of the WPCC’s operating principles is transparency. In this spirit, each Fellow will be required to provide ongoing documentation of their contribution activities and insights on
Fellowship Guidelines
Specific eligibility criteria will be determined for each Fellowship and project as they are introduced.
All Fellowship applicants must be/become active members of the WPCC.
Code of Conduct
All Fellows are required to adhere to the WPCC’s Code of Conduct.
Conflict of Interest Policy
All Fellows are required to adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy.